#economic incentives

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Bitcoin Magazine - Bitcoin News, Articles and Expert Insights
1 month ago

How to Delicately Handle BRC-20s and Ordinals without Hurting Bitcoin

The Bitcoin community debates Ordinals impact on the chain. [ more ]
TNW | Future-Of-Work
2 months ago
Artificial intelligence

To understand the risks posed by AI, follow the money

Predicting technological evolution is challenging, but economic risks from AI misalignment between profits and societal interests are generally knowable in advance. [ more ]
Bitcoin Magazine - Bitcoin News, Articles and Expert Insights
5 days ago

Bitcoin Season Two Proposals Facing Early Headwinds

Bitcoin's fading momentum is affecting scaling narratives and exposing lack of innovation in projects. [ more ]
Bitcoin Magazine - Bitcoin News, Articles and Expert Insights
1 month ago

How to Delicately Handle BRC-20s and Ordinals without Hurting Bitcoin

The Bitcoin community debates Ordinals impact on the chain. [ more ]
TNW | Future-Of-Work
2 months ago
Artificial intelligence

To understand the risks posed by AI, follow the money

Predicting technological evolution is challenging, but economic risks from AI misalignment between profits and societal interests are generally knowable in advance. [ more ]
Bitcoin Magazine - Bitcoin News, Articles and Expert Insights
5 days ago

Bitcoin Season Two Proposals Facing Early Headwinds

Bitcoin's fading momentum is affecting scaling narratives and exposing lack of innovation in projects. [ more ]
7 months ago

The Advertising Industry's Existential Crisis

The ad industry is facing a trust crisis due to misaligned economic incentives between advertisers, media agencies, and platforms.
Consumers distrust advertising, advertisers distrust their media agencies, and big tech platforms have too much power.
The erosion of trust is linked to a shift from long-term relationships to transactional models in the industry. [ more ]
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